Monday, January 8, 2018

Minecraft Mondays: Finally!

I love Minecraft.  Not shy to admit it, either.  I play myself, and I love when I can play with students.


When Minecraft EDU became Minecraft Education Edition.... UGH.  I lost a whole year of Minecraft with students because Microsoft made Education Edition way more complicated than it needed to be, and between their customer service and a plethora of other priorities, it took me and the IT crew a while to figure it out.

It. Was. Not. Cool.

Even now, it's not perfect.  I mean, it went from something SUPER simple [read: teacher logs in, students log in, everyone sees everyone, teacher in control] to a dual platform Minecraft Education Edition and Minecraft Classroom Mode, which, for some reason, do not like to speak to each other.

That's beside the point.

I've decided that since I've struggled to make myself sit down and write, Minecraft is now my excuse!  Hence, Minecraft Mondays!

I'm excited to share the learning adventures we're having with Minecraft Education Edition here at school, from the 2nd graders through the 8th graders, with the hopes that others may jump into the World of Minecraft and add some adventures to their learning experiences!

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