Tuesday, March 15, 2022

It's MACUL time!

I am stoked for this year's MACUL conference!
(Yeah, I'll probably have some slumpy moments heading in, but those will vanish once I arrive!)

Ironically, the first main conference day, Thursday, March 17, is a triple-whammy:
MACUL Main Conference Day 1
St. Patrick's Day (for those who celebrate)
Purim (for those who celebrate)

That's three times the excitement for this fantastic conference!

There are two sessions that I'm presenting, both on Thursday, and both are new-ish sessions. I debuted them at Fall CUE, which was a great opportunity to practice. Since then I've added a new tool, made some tweaks, and am super geeked to present!

More than that, for the first time ever, I'll have giveaways at my sessions! I have swag from Edpuzzle, a free year to Book Creator, and copies of my very own book!

It's going to be a blast being back at MACUL live and in person! If you're there, please make sure to say hello!


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